Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is an oral health condition affecting almost half the American population. During routine dental visits, Dr. Riley and Dr. Gabby can diagnose gum disease early to prevent it from destroying your smile. For many patients, we can treat gum disease using the LANAP laser.

female patient holding mouth open to reveal gum line.

What Causes Gum Disease?

A widespread cause of gum disease (periodontitis) is bacteria that invade the space between your teeth and gums. Bacteria growth leads to infections and weakens the structures, creating a pocket and making you more susceptible to additional bacterial infections, tooth decay, bone loss, and eventually, tooth loss.

The traditional method of treating gum disease involves using scalpels to remove diseased tissue and placing sutures to allow the area to heal. It is an effective method but can be uncomfortable for patients.

At Half Moon Bay Family Dentistry, LANAP laser treatment provides a simpler alternative for removing the same bacteria, eliminating the need for scalpels and sutures.

3d render of a LANAP laser device.

What Is the LANAP Laser?

LANAP stands for “laser-assisted new attachment procedure,” but it's also known as laser gum surgery. This advanced surgical gum disease treatment is minimally invasive and used to treat moderate to severe gum disease.

3d render demonstration of a LANAP laser on gum line.

The LANAP Gum Treatment Procedure 

If you've been diagnosed with advanced gum disease, LANAP treatment allows Dr. Riley and Dr. Gabby to remove infected tissue. During the procedure, a thin laser fiber is placed into the space between the gums and the tooth. Once activated, the light removes affected tissue and destroys harmful bacteria to eliminate gum infection.

Using a scaling instrument, we’ll remove any buildup on the roots before using the laser to promote clotting and healing. Most patients tolerate the procedure well enough to return to their routine daily activities after completing LANAP laser treatment. 

Benefits of LANAP Laser Gum Disease Treatment

Patients experience many benefits from undergoing LANAP laser gum disease treatment.

Less Discomfort

LANAP laser treatment is minimally invasive, causing patients less discomfort than traditional gum treatment.

Faster Healing Times

Laser surgical procedures promote quicker healing times and faster recovery than a scalpel and suture treatment.

Stimulates Bone and Tissue Regeneration

When a laser is used to treat gum disease, it promotes the regeneration of bone and tissue. This factor helps save teeth that may otherwise need extraction.

Reduces the Risk of Infection

Using lasers for treatment helps reduce disease risk by focusing on and eliminating bacteria.

Saves Healthy Tissue

Laser treatment allows the dentist to focus directly on diseased tissue, keeping healthy tissue intact. This lessens the damage and improves overall health.

Long-Lasting Results 

LANAP treatment creates long-lasting results and reduces the chances of more gum disease and tooth loss.

Real Life demonstration of LANAP laser in use on Half Moon Bay Family Dentistry patient.

Advanced Gum Disease Treatment in Half Moon Bay

LANAP laser treatment is an FDA-approved procedure that uses a powerful, accurate dental laser to stimulate periodontal regeneration and new bone growth. Its many benefits make it a massive step forward for patients with moderate to severe gum disease.

Location & Hours

Half Moon Bay

780 Purissima St. Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
(650) 726-2156
8:30 - 5:00
7:00 - 4:00
8:30 - 5:00
7:00 - 2:00
Friday & Saturday
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